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La Reina da Piolsa
Kingdom of Piolsa
Conventional short name:
 Local: Piolsa
 Ingallish: Piolsa
Flag of Piolsa
 Official: Lendian
 Others: Sargonese
 Capital: Tiris
 Other: Colchisia, Valarium, Quena, Asala
King: Dazelio III
Chief Advisor: Dominico do Cato
Area: 828,214 km²
Population: 52,200,000 Piolsans

The Kingdom of Piolsa (Lendian: La Reina da Piolsa) is the one of the two primary members of the Lendosan Confederation. It occupies an island to the west of Longerath.


Piolsa is part of the Lendosan Confederation, a union of six separate nations. As such, much of its government is conducted by Confederate authorities. Members of the Confederation do, however, retain their own separate governments for certain matters — Piolsa's internal government is a constitutional monarchy, with the current King of Piolsa being Dazelio III. In practice, the head of government is the Chief Advisor, who is much like a prime minister in other constitutional monarchies. The legislature of Piolsa is known as the Parliament, and consists of one hundred representatives elected by direct proportional representation.

All political parties which contest Confederate elections are also active in Piolsan internal politics. In addition, there are a number of smaller parties which operate only in Piolsa, although none currently hold any seats.

Administrative Divisions[]

Piolsa is divided into seven regions.

Flag Region Governor Population Area Capital
Flag-videca Videca Luis Jadiro 13.0 million 201,804 km² Genma
Flag-cortazia Cortazia Virida Camana 11.2 million 171,725 km² Azalta
Flag-dalvara Dalvara Sebastiano Tanro 7.3 million 92,302 km² Valarium
Flag-regasia Regasia Siro Turino 7.1 million 125,519 km² Asala
Flag-austenia Austenia Dosro do Galvario 6.7 million 134,380 km² Sargona
Flag-catania Catania Avano Vilaro 4.1 million 67,011 km² Astelitio
Flag-lavaia Lavaia Andreo Venturo 2.8 million 35,418 km² Dialen


(To be completed)


Piolsa is the southern of Lendosa's two main islands, the other being Piolsa's "twin", Lendia. Piolsa is less mountainous than Lendia, and does not have the same concentration of its population around the coast.

The largest city in Piolsa is Tiris, the capital, which is located near the centre of the island. Other large cities are Valarium, Asala, and Colchisia, the latter being the capital of the entire Confederation.


The population of Piolsa is slightly over fifty million. The majority of these people are ethnically Lendian, with immigrant groups making up most of the remainder.

National Symbols[]

The flag of Piolsa is a green, blue, and green horizontal tricolour (the blue stripe being largest), with a traditional "triple diamond" pattern in the centre. It is a merger of flags from the three kingdoms which began the first united Piolsan state.



The official language of Piolsa is Lendian, the primary language of the Lendosan Confederation. Sargonese, a related language spoken in the southeast of Piolsa, is also spoken as a first language, but is only official in one region.


Cruisans are the largest religious group in Piolsa, followed by Veldanists. Cruisanism is strongest on the island's northern coast, while Veldanism is stronger on the southern coast. Larism is also practiced extensively in Piolsa, but is not as strong as in Lendia.

Flag of Lendosa   Administrative Divisions of the Lendosan Confederation   Flag of Lendosa
Free Republic of Lendia: | Aspalia | Avris | Lalta | Melhoria | Neonia | Rivania | Xoxina |
Kingdom of Piolsa: | Austenia | Catania | Dalvara | Lavaia | Regasia | Rezimano | Videc |
Federation of Rabel: | Manania | Nemenitia | Tavatuia |
Republic of Ranha: | Delai | Horokia | Rangania |
Avatariate of Kha: | Kri'tan | Ikh'na | H'gor |
Patricianate of Rioch: | Denderor | Riomana | Vuran |